Sunday, November 1, 2009

BP3_2009111_Google Reader 5 Blogs

I subscribed to the following 5 blogs for Educational purposes. I plan to follow all of them mainly for my Journalism class, so I can draw from current events to add to my lesson plans.

1) Art Beats: Which covers Art, Media, Movies, etc daily, so my students can look at it for ideas for our Entertainment section of the Newspaper.

2) Lens: Which is a great Photo blog, which I could use to show my students examples of really great photographs used in online media.

3) Rick Sanchez: Which is a blog from a CNN reporter who covers World News, so my students could check it daily to see what is happening in the world that we might want to cover.

4) Young People Who Rock: A great blog about young adults who are achieving amazing things. We do a similar section in our newspaper, so again my students could use it to gain ideas or I could use it to model a great article.

5) The Moral of the Story: Is a great blog that discusses the ethics of stories and news. Great blog to use when teaching about objectivity, propaganda, and rhetoric.

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