Sunday, November 8, 2009

BP7_2009112_Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools is a great, interactive Web 2.o site where students can go to ask any question they might have on a particular subject and get answers from either their friends or educational professionals. They can create their own accounts, so any time they are having problems with either a homework assignment or even just a life problem, they can go onto askforia and post a question and put a preference on whether they want it answered by a professional or a friend. This would be a great way for your students to collaborate on projects outside of class when you aren't around to answer their questions. You could even assign a group project where part of their grade was to work through askforia to increase both their tech skills and their ability to use the web to work in a collaborative learning environment. Askforia's slogan is "Ask questions. Share knowledge. Make friends." This slogan really does encompass all that Askforia has to offer. Students can even use this site to work with students from across the world, so it really does serve to open up their learning environments into an international platform of knowledge. I am very excited to use this site in my classes and see how beneficial it truly could become.

xWaylab. (2009). Askforia. Ask questions. Share knowledge. Make friends. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from

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